How many meetings and seminars have you been to that haven't run to time, haven't stayed on task, or you have only heard the voice of one attendee? Let us prevent that from happening.
We provide a facilitation service for you, allowing you to get the best from everyone around the table(s). Prices start from as low as £300 for charities (full days from £430), depending on what you require.
What We Do
Events can have the best speakers and sessions planned, but without a chair that can keep the pace and momentum needed, it can fall flat. We can provide that service for you. No audience too small or large; with expertise in working where translation is provided, or unusual settings, or difficult topic areas.
You will find full details on our training page with sessions we are currently running. However, if you would like something else developed for you, we can do that too. With qualified expertise in delivering training across the UK we are able to both develop and deliver a session or a number of sessions for you.
Specialist Areas (not an exhaustive list)
The Social Sector
Welfare Reform​
Mental Health
Health & Social Care Integration
Human Rights
Good practice working with vulnerable people